Write. Edit. Design.
WRI Solutions has the writing and design expertise to create compelling promotional content, accessible informational materials, and effective practice guides and manuals. From helping you develop the content and look of a publication, to proofreading and final design, WRI can help bring your next publication to life.
Below is a sampling of our work. Contact us to learn more about other projects in WRI's portfolio!
WRI has developed ‘Quick Guides’ for individuals with developmental disabilities (IDD) to assist with the independent completion of various life skills. To develop these Guides, WRI consulted with members of the community who identify as intellectually or developmentally disabled to ensure a person-centered, relevant deliverable. WRI also formed an Advisory Panel, administered a statewide survey of about 900 people who self-identify as intellectually or developmentally disabled, and held focus groups with persons self-identifying with IDD to inform Quick Guides topics. WRI will coordinate training around the use and distribution of Quick Guides.
WRI provided group facilitation, writing, editing, and design support to the creation of a Strategic Proposal which set forth robust recommendations based on the successes and lessons of Family Treatment Courts (FTCs) in New York State since their inception in the 1990s. This proposal included the history of family treatment courts (FTCs) both nationally and in New York State, methods for ensuring fidelity at an evidence-based FTC model, strengthening FTCs to meet demonstrated need, and improving data collection and analysis.
WRI supported the Redlich Horwitz Foundation, OCFS, and the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law in the creation of a Kinship Champion Curriculum for local departments of social services. Kinship Champions are trained advocates for placement of children with relatives and suitable persons with a positive relationship to the child or child’s family, rather than in institutional settings or with unknown foster parents.
WRI worked with OCFS to write, edit, and design a Foster Care Practice Guide to inform the work of local department of social services caseworkers and supervisors. Under a contract with the Bureau of Training and Development, information was gathered into one cohesive and thorough source providing guidance on the process of foster care from removal of a child from the home through permanency. Chapters covered kinship care, out-of-state placement, recruitment and retention of foster parents, and financing.
Citizen Review Panels are important conduits for informed public input and provide an external perspective on the efficacy of New York State’s child protective policies, practices, programs, and fiscal priorities. WRI compiles and publishes the Panels’ Annual Reports. The 2021 Annual Report focused on the voices of children and parents involved in the child welfare system, the efforts of the Citizen Review Panels statewide, impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the child welfare system, and recommendations for both concrete strategies for improvement and areas of study for betterment of practices in the child welfare system.
The goal of the NYS Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Program is to assist eligible youth who are currently in foster care, or were previously in care, with expenses related to post-secondary education. WRI administers the program, and annually reports on the number of applications, demographics of applicants, and breakdown of award dollars, tracking uses of the funds and whether awards were made to the student or directly to the school. Statewide analysis of the data is provided, as well as survey responses from awardees regarding their experience of the process.